Variable Rake Angle Hydraulic Shearing Machine

Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Max Shear Width 1000-2000 mm
Variable Rack Angle in Degree 0.5 - 5
Number of Hold Down 7
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Product Details

Motor Power
10 hp
Strokes Per Minute
11 - 21
Back Gauge

Roller Guides : The upper beam Is guided by three point roller guides. A replaceable hardened Liner is provided for minimum wear.


Power Pack : Hydraulic system Is mounted at top al rear side of the machine. Hydraulic components are of internationally leputed make like Victors, Dowty. Rcxiolh. etc. Valves are mounted on a compact manHotd block minimizing piping and chances of leakages. For oil cooling, suiticient sue ot oil reservoir Is provided CYLINDERS Cylinders are recisely honed and are lilted with hard chromed piston rod with best quality scaling elements Cylinders are connected with upper beam (cutting beam) with spherical bearings lor higher capacity Two cylinders are working on differential pressure principle for synchronization. This eliminates force on cutting edge.


Hyor Hold Down : Hydraulic hold down pads hold the sheet secareiy to avoid slipping & bowing lesuhlng in clean sauare cut Hold down units are provided tor better clamping white cutting narrow strips. BLAOE CLEARANCE Blade clearance can be adiusted manually By lever on each side ol machine with calibration ot clearance suitable for thickness


Hotohised Back Gauge : Motorised back gauge Is operated from the front of the machine by push button. Back gauge traveled distance is displayed on electronic counter Next position can be preset and can run with auto stop arrangement Back gauge automatically retract from bottom blade alter Shearing, to avoid trapping ol cut strips.


Blades : ATLAS shears are provided with high Quality. Single segment (HcHc) blades tor longer tool lile Ease in assembly ol Blade reduces down time The blades are four edged.


Operation : Electric panel & operational console are provided at right side of the machine lor easy operation By operator. Console & control panel Is provided with on-off push-button, three phase indicator forward-reverse push-button for back gauge operation, inch push-button for individual hold down function emergency stop push-button Foot switch is provided to cany out Shearing Operation if foot switch is released at any point of shearing upper beam will return from that point.

FINGER GUARD Fitted in Iront of hold down for operator's protection without obstructing viewing.

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